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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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US Hockey refereeing question

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You can wear anything but it highly frowned upon if you wear anything besides clear.

i never wore a visor when i reffed but i have seen guys with tinted visors pushed all the way up and you can see their eyes, looks funny on a ref i must say.

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i never wore a visor when i reffed but i have seen guys with tinted visors pushed all the way up and you can see their eyes, looks funny on a ref i must say.

I've seen a couple guys do that. Every one of them was a douche and never moved up into higher level games.

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The tinted visor just makes you look ridiculous and as a player I lose respect for any one that does that as a ref! Its hard to take someone serious as an official when they think they are Ovi

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