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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Airing Out Equipment

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I played spring league with a goalie, and then we had a fall tournament. The moron decides not to take his gear and dry it after the last game. When he opened that bag in the fall it was so disgusting, it was just utterly wrong.

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I do my best to air my gear out, but my flat at uni's a bit small, so it sometimes has to be aired in the car!  :D I tend to wash it all every few months.

There was one guy on my team last year who didn't even open his bag for a month! We played a tournament in December, then went home for Christmas. First practice after that, he opened his bag, and nearly hurled.... :lol:

That's disgusting, I can only imagine the malodourous stench coming from that bag...must've been green air coming out of the opening... :blink:

Damn right it was. Nobody came near him all night! :D

He managed to tear a few eyelets out of his skates 'cause there was dried, crystalised swear in 'em.....truly hideous.

Forgot to add - Febreeze is a godsend! :D

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I'll have to give febreeze a try...does it leave any girly smell on your gear afterwards? :P

Depends on the flavor if you want girly I think you can find it but they do have some neutral scents.

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Hi guys, new here... just my 2cents...

if the rest of the family can stand the smell, you could put your equipment near the back of the fridge, heat generated from the cooling coils dries the stuff out pretty fast.. another alternative is to place them near the airconditioning compressors... or just leave them in a shaded area....

i dont put my gloves, skates or helmet in the sun... the rest of the equipment goes onto a coat rack i modified (looks like those they sell on the websites) and dries pretty much in about 2 hours...

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I'll have to give febreeze a try...does it leave any girly smell on your gear afterwards?  :P

Depends on the flavor if you want girly I think you can find it but they do have some neutral scents.

Do they have "new car smell"? Thats a neutral scent!

;) :D

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we have an extra bedroom that I keep my stuff in. but in our old house I used to just hang it by the straps in the bathroom with the skylight open.

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