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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping tendon guards?

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I have a question for those of you who tape their skate's tendon guards to the legs/shin pads (hope you know what i mean, like Kovalev, Perron, ...):

Whats your experience whith "modern" skates and tendon guard durability? Modern like "not Graf" :biggrin:

I used Grafs for a long time (Ultra G.. was the last model) and always taped the tendon guards. They got softer but didnt break but Grafs are softer skates anyways.

Last 2 seasons i used Reebok skates and at first it just felt weird sice they were stiffer and had more of a backward pitch compared to Graf. So i didnt tape the tendon guards and placed the tongue under the shin pads.

Now i tried to tape again and it felt good, but since i have to pay for my skates im concerned about durability of the stiffer (than Graf) tendon guards?! Whats your experience? Especially Reebok 11k

And for custom/pro skates: is there an option for sturdier, meant to be taped tendon guards?

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I've never understood why people do that anyway. Don't you want forward mobility? Clearly skates weren't designed for that.

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