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NFL & NBA Lockouts....to better the NHL?

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I would like to open the discussion on a relatively odd idea.

The NFL and NBA are currently under Lockouts and although the NFL's situation is looking brighter for a season next year, the NBA's problems don't look like they will be resolved overnight, or anytime soon. I know what your thinking, and yes this is going to pertain to the NHL sub-forum.

What are your thoughts on the fact that if both (or just one) leagues do indeed 'lockout' and don't have seasons next year, what that will do for the NHL's popularity and public spotlight?

I have heard rumors that the same deal is going to happen with MLB for the 2012 season, not sure if that is just a rumor.

Any thoughts?

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I feel it would help the NHL a great deal by getting more exposure and more of an audience that would not usually watch hockey. This is especially true with an nba lock out seeing as both seasons run at the same time. ESPN may even show NHL games again.

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I feel it would help the NHL a great deal by getting more exposure and more of an audience that would not usually watch hockey. This is especially true with an nba lock out seeing as both seasons run at the same time. ESPN may even show NHL games again.

As much as I would like to see ESPN have a few games here and there, let alone mention the sport, the TV deal is already signed sealed and delivered with Comcast. Don't forsee the self proclaimed World Wide Leader being able to find anyway to get a game.

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It will result in a few more highlights on sportscenter, and some casual fans over the short term, but that's about all. Once their preferred sport returns the vast majority of the viewers gained from the lockout will be lost. Then again, an increase in fan base by even 10% would certainly help a lot of US teams.

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I'm not even sure that will happen. I expect ESPN to fill NBA and NFL coverage time with extensive lockout coverage and increased NASCAR and NCAA coverage. I wouldn't be surprised if they even convinced the NCAA to fill any empty Monday Night Football slots with high profile college games.

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As much as I would like to see ESPN have a few games here and there, let alone mention the sport, the TV deal is already signed sealed and delivered with Comcast. Don't forsee the self proclaimed World Wide Leader being able to find anyway to get a game.

ESPN had their chance and thumbed their noses at the NHL. I don't care if they ever get hockey back.

I don't think ESPN has the rights to air any live games, but I do think they will air a lot more Top Plays, and they will talk about Hockey a lot more on the shows people watch like SportsNation, PTI, and Around the Horn. That's where I think hockey could benefit from a lot from being in the public eye. Like it or not, if its on ESPN, millions more people will see it, rather than on Versus, NHLN, and maybe NBC/Comcast. Although, now that I read how many networks the NHL has contracted, it looks logical that the NHL is doing a lot to get itself on the map, even without the help of ESPN.

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I don't think ESPN will allow those shows to increase NHL coverage. Think about it this way, why in a time when you're missing two of your biggest attractions would you promote a sport carried on rival networks. That would be like Disney telling you "Space Mountain is broken today but the Hulk is running just fine over at Universal."

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I don't think ESPN will allow those shows to increase NHL coverage. Think about it this way, why in a time when you're missing two of your biggest attractions would you promote a sport carried on rival networks. That would be like Disney telling you "Space Mountain is broken today but the Hulk is running just fine over at Universal."

I disagree, although it is a business in the end, I think there are more fans on the planet who would like to hear about the NHL, roster changes, highlights, injury's, scandals (even though the NHL has very few **Claps**), and what-not. Then they would about NCAA regular season basketball. NCAA Football, could beat out the NHL, but I think even a little more exposure on ESPN's end either way would highly benefit hockey as a sport. I don't think if they lost NFL and the NBA, they would immediately just drop NASCAR and NCAA sports into that equation. I wouldn't work demographically speaking.

They would definitely use NASCAR, NCAA Football/Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, and Golf before they would just use the two you mentioned. Besides, NASCAR is a VERY demographically weighted sport, that being said, if it were introduced as a substitute to the NFL and NBA, I could see it being WIDELY accepted, but none the less, I stand by my earlier point.

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I don't think ESPN will allow those shows to increase NHL coverage. Think about it this way, why in a time when you're missing two of your biggest attractions would you promote a sport carried on rival networks. That would be like Disney telling you "Space Mountain is broken today but the Hulk is running just fine over at Universal."

They would have to fill a lot of time and there would be more NHL coverage on sportscenter because of it. That said, I agree with you. You would not see something like NHL2nite come back or extended coverage outside the recap packages. You won't see background stories on the players or them developing profiles on teams/players. They will double down on college football and basketball, along with coverage of the lockout(s). Personally, I think the NFL will be back before the NHL season starts in October and the world series will last until just about then. The NBA will probably take a little longer.

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Edit: response to Caz here......

If you're missing pro football and pro basketball then you've got to fill that time with your other bread and butter coverage, and for ESPN that is NCAA football and basketball and NASCAR. You are correct, your pro football and/or basketball fans won't suddenly turn into college or NASCAR fans but you'll have more time where the throngs of college and NASCAR fans will be watching your network.

As far as ESPN not going for the idea of filling space with something viewed as demographically different, one needs to look no further than the explosion of poker coverage on ESPN once they ditched hockey.

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Edit: response to Caz here......

If you're missing pro football and pro basketball then you've got to fill that time with your other bread and butter coverage, and for ESPN that is NCAA football and basketball and NASCAR. You are correct, your pro football and/or basketball fans won't suddenly turn into college or NASCAR fans but you'll have more time where the throngs of college and NASCAR fans will be watching your network.

As far as ESPN not going for the idea of filling space with something viewed as demographically different, one needs to look no further than the explosion of poker coverage on ESPN once they ditched hockey.

I know this wasn't directed at me but.....

The best replacement for NFL football will be college football and the same goes for basketball. There will be college football games moved to Sundays and college basketball will fill the regular NBA time slots. The real difficulty in replacement time will come in the form of the shows dedicated to covering the NFL, but I still think they will be back before the NHL season gets underway.

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Since the NFL lockout is done with lets hope the NBA lockout happens so the NHL will get more attention!

The NBA one is the most important to the NHL's success. They will just cover March-Madness more and other things too, but if the NBA does indeed lockout (which seems more likely than the NFL did), then we might see a nice increasing the notoriety of the NHL, and maybe hockey as a whole.

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