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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SE16 with X60/Dolomite blade

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Anyone use this two-piece combo? When the blade in my SE16 goes soft or breaks, I want to cut it off and make the 2-piece conversion with one of these two blades. Just looking for input.

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I have only heard good things about dolomite blades, just bought a couple last week. I need to use them a bit more before I can give advice of my own though. using mine in a 2piece x60

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Anyone use this two-piece combo? When the blade in my SE16 goes soft or breaks, I want to cut it off and make the 2-piece conversion with one of these two blades. Just looking for input.

I haven't used this combo, but I found a broken at the blade Dolomite and stuck an easton blade in it. I had to add an end plug since it was a little short, but it's my favorite stick now. I don't think you'll be dissapointed.

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i have a x60 blade in my se16 shaft. it has a different feel than my x60blade/dolomiteshaft combo, more woody with the toe benig a bit pingy, as opposed to the x60 dolomite which is more responsive. i had an se16 blade in the se16 shaft for a while and that had the best feel.

i used the x60/se16 for a few months now and it's served me well. right now i'm using the x60/dolomite because it shoots better.

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The Dolomite blades are among the best tapered blades, just be prepared to use two layers of tape on the tenon for it fit very snug, at least most Bauer/Easton Shafts do.

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The Dolomite blades are among the best tapered blades, just be prepared to use two layers of tape on the tenon for it fit very snug, at least most Bauer/Easton Shafts do.

If I convert a shaft, I am expecting less room for the tenon. Dolomite may be the way to go. The puck feel on the OPS I had as well as the replacement blade were nice.

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