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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Preo-stock sticks

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Can i buy any pro-stock sticks from easton or any manufatuer? or atleast the curve of the pro-stock curve on the stick??


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i got a couple pro stock synergies. mine are drury pattern because i cant find retails anywhere (also i think that the pro stocks are more durable and have a better puck feel). i could get any pattern or flex i want tho. htey cost me 149 a peice.

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Can i buy any pro-stock sticks from easton or any manufatuer? or atleast the curve of the pro-stock curve on the stick??

You may want to look into custom blades. This way your at least using the curve you want.

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Some companies like SherWood, TPS, (and few more I think) will make custom blades for you. You usually have to order like 6-12. Other people on here have done it so they would know more than me.

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Pretty well what these guys said. I believe sherwood makes Custom Axions and thats the only graphite option. I'm not sure on the wood blades, but am confident you could find a few "name brand" companies to do it. You'd have to go through your LHS and talk to them. If you have difficulties there's Blackbeauty and Legend, you may want to contact some lesser known companies and try and get a price quote from them directly as well (can't hurt to ask). Rebellion, Ballistik and those companies may be willing to do it and the Rebellion blades (composite at least) don't seem too bad at all.

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