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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission L-1

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This weekend for a tournament, I picked up a new L-1 shaft/blade w/ the extra blade. It was great in the first game, then the second one it snapped right in the middle of the shaft. Definitely a bummer. Anyways, I got my replacement because we played in the final the next day and used it. One of my very virst shots for it, the felt like it flexed very oddly, so I put it back in the rack because I didn't know if I could trust it. Now, every time I put the tiniest bit of pressure on it, the shaft makes a cracking noise. Is this something to be concerned about? I play again tomorrow night and I don't want it blowing out on me, and only getting about 2.5 uses out of the stick and the replacement stick. A couple more questions, if this one does break on me, am I screwed out of a few hundred bucks? And also, is it possible to find Mission shafts in about 110 flex aside from finding pro stock sticks?

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The flex may be a couple of points +/- 100, it shouldn't be more than 105 or so. No matter who makes the stick, flexes are rarely exact. If you got both sticks from the same shop it could be a bad batch or they could be screwing around with them, or kids leaning on them to check the flex.

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Yeah, I hope not. I'd be pretty chapped about it if this one breaks tomorrow night. As for it might be the glue, the sounds coming from more or less in the middle, pretty close to the logo, the same place my first shaft broke.

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As for it might be the glue, the sounds coming from more or less in the middle, pretty close to the logo, the same place my first shaft broke.

It could be the paint cracking as well... usually it's the glue though (especially a factory glue job). I'm guessing it's because maybe the factory doesn't heat the shaft when they insert the blade, they just head the blade and put it in a room temp shaft, which makes a big difference in how well a blade seals (IMO).

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