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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rocket Runner Steel

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Is there any tips or tricks on sharpening these?

Not sure what set-up you have for jigs, but it can be easier to sharpen with whatever one you would ordinarily use (BM's SH3000 for instance) for goal skates. Seems to be easier to get it to sit right, probably because you are clamping down on the plastic area where it is thicker (4mm vs 3mm?).

Get a gauge that affixes using a magnet instead of a screw (EdgePro, CCM has one, I order mine through NASH Sports).

Be careful when stoning. If the steel is getting low I usually just stick to the leather.

There really isn't any big secret to these things, but people who are mediocre/bad sharpeners tend to butcher them even worse.

Out of curiosity, is it your steel or a customers/friends?

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There are notches on both ends to accommodate a squaring device. You will have to flip the boot down on the heel side to check.

I don't have problems, but I know what I'm doing. I've seen horrible jobs from people.

Keep in mind, go light as it heats up quickly. I actually love the way it sharpens.

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