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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey in Edmonton, AB

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Hey, I'm from edmonton, 20 yrs old and going to university. Ever since I stopped playing minor hockey a few yrs ago its been tough to find a rec team to play a few games a week with. I still play lots of shinny but I really miss the more competitive games. Just was wondering if anyone is on a team on edmonton that is looking for another body?

I really don't care if it is contact hockey or not but I definitely want something that allows slapshots.

Im definitely a decent player. I play a fast grinding style, but can also pull off finnesse plays. Strong skater, passer, and shooter. I usually compare pretty well with other junior A or B-level guys skillwise except not in as good dryland training shape. Although I want to play good hockey, I am not looking for something that is going to be ultra-competitive and demand huge amounts of time. If anyone can help me out I would appreciate it so much. Thanks guys.

20 yrs old

6'3 188 lbs

LH shot

can play LW RW (or C if i absolutely have to but i'm not gonna win a faceoff to save my life) ;)

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My dad plays in a men's league, by the sounds of it you'd out skill them by too much to play with them, but I'll ask him about the other leagues in Edmonton because I've heard him talk about other men's leagues filled with ex-Jr guys and university guys. It might take a few days since he's away right now, but I think that most rinks around town have posters or notices in them about Men's leagues so you could maybe check those out.

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Junior B may be an option, as long as you don't turn 21 before December 31, then it's out of the question. Just be careful because some teams are quite intense while other don't give a damn about it and that's why the standings are that way, also Junior C might work as well as I think they don't practice. http://www.njhl.net

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What's the level of competition like in Junior "C"? Like a B2-B3 type player, or there still a lot of A, AA midget guys there?

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What's the level of competition like in Junior "C"? Like a B2-B3 type player, or there still a lot of A, AA midget guys there?

I'm not 100% sure what the level of competition is I think that most, but not all AA players could crack a junior B squad if they really wanted, however there are some exceptions and last year (I'm not sure about this year), the league featured a player who recently walked away from his WHL team the previous season. I think it would be more of a fit to a B2- B3 player though around here.

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