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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I bought a TPS R9 PP061 today just at the local Canadian tire interestingly enough, $200 but can't find any info around the web on it ???

Didn't even know what it was picked it up liked it immediately. I was looking to replace the R6 or 8 I was using for the past season.

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Does it mention anything about XN10 on them? I have a few black/yellow R9XN10 shafts (true shafts), supposedly pro stock. Absolutely love 'em.

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Does it mention anything about XN10 on them? I have a few black/yellow R9XN10 shafts (true shafts), supposedly pro stock. Absolutely love 'em.

No chance, it's an SMU as 17D said. CT also carries stuff like the Bauer One60s (from the One90 stock line), Vapor XIV, CCM V 05 etcetc.

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No chance, it's an SMU as 17D said.

There are/were a number of R9 tapered shafts floating around that had nothing to do with Canadian Tire.

thanks for the info. there is one more maybe i should pick it up. the stick is sic. orange graphics.

The ones they shipped me with yellow graphics were pretty damned good. One was absolutely exceptional.

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I had great luck with the first of the black and yellow shafts. It took most of a season (beer league and shinny with a lot of shooting) before it started to lose its pop. It has been a while since I had a stick or shaft last that long/well.

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