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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which visor sits farthest from face?

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So I switched from a Hejduk MH500 to a cage a few months ago. I did so using a CCM V08 M helmet. The visor fit fine on that helmet. I have now switched to a Cascade helmet.

The cage swapped over fine, but when I attempted to re-convert to the visor - the Hedjuk does not fit well on the new helmet. Even when slided out as far as it can go, it is still too close to my face.

I am willing to buy a new visor but don't know if Bauer or Oakley has longer slots to slide the visor forward.

Any have any experience with this?

PS - I am looking for straight cut visors....

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yea some helmets have the mounts further back and further forward. When I had my Zherdev pro stock on my 4500, it sat real close to my face to the point that I thought of drilling new holes. Got a 4k instead, and now it's at half extension on that helmet. all depends on the helmet as the visors tend to be pretty similar.

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So I switched from a Hejduk MH500 to a cage a few months ago. I did so using a CCM V08 M helmet. The visor fit fine on that helmet. I have now switched to a Cascade helmet.

The cage swapped over fine, but when I attempted to re-convert to the visor - the Hedjuk does not fit well on the new helmet. Even when slided out as far as it can go, it is still too close to my face.

I am willing to buy a new visor but don't know if Bauer or Oakley has longer slots to slide the visor forward.

Any have any experience with this?

PS - I am looking for straight cut visors....

i have an oakley straight cut and the slots are measuring at 1 inch long. i find that its pretty far from my face (i extend as far as possible)

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