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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk Lightspeed Holders VS. E-Pro Holders

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I am currently wearing CCM U+12 Seniors that I bought in February. Currently they are stock with the E-Pro holders, but steel however is warped on both skates under minimal use. I am trying to get the most out of my skating but I have not used different skates back to back actually tell which is the BEST. In high school I had a pair of Vapor XX's and Supreme 6000's which of course had the Tuuk lightspeed holders. I however do not really remember what those skates felt like because it was so long ago. I like my CCM's but I am wondering if I'd like them more with Tuuk holders. My CCM's have been baked only once.

What I know:

E-Pro is a neutral stance

Grafs put you on your toes

Tuuks put you on your heels.

What I have noticed in my time with my CCM's is that when I take a hard turn I tend to put most of my weight ON my heels and when accelerating I tend to have to FORCE weight on my toes to BE on my toes. I skate faster when I am on my toes but it doesn't feel NATURAL. I have access to all the tools I need to swap out my holders/steel. What do you think?

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It's all about PP.

I've always found the e-pro being the best stock holder, it's clearly heavier than a LS but stiffer and more durable. The proformance steels that come with it are alright and inexpensive to replace.

If you want the best combo it would probably be Cobra UL5000 + step velocity

As for the stance, working on the profiling of your steels can provide surprising results.

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Thanks Rockingsquat,

I'd prefer the 280, but given that it'll have a AA heel I don't want to risk it. I had been hoping I could take off the LS2's from my old Vapor 30's but I sized down quite a bit from Vapors to CCM (9.75 to 8.5) so I doubt a 288 holder would even fit.

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