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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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APX Fit Problem

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Got my pair of Stable26 socks this week through Amazon.ca. Wore them right away in a game (probably not the best idea, but I am impulsive like that). I really felt an increase in stability due to the way they snugged up the heel. Felt great in warmups when I did some circles and inside outside edge type stuff. Luckily, there was no one on the ice before our game, so I got to mess around a lot. During the game I felt really strong especially on the boards and when driving to the net. Got off several strong shots driving to the net where in the past I would have probably fallen! LOL! So far, I would think these might be a good answer to someone who needs to tighten up a skate that fits great in every area but the heel. I would not use them to make something fit that doesn't.

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Got my pair of Stable26 socks this week through Amazon.ca. Wore them right away in a game (probably not the best idea, but I am impulsive like that). I really felt an increase in stability due to the way they snugged up the heel. Felt great in warmups when I did some circles and inside outside edge type stuff. Luckily, there was no one on the ice before our game, so I got to mess around a lot. During the game I felt really strong especially on the boards and when driving to the net. Got off several strong shots driving to the net where in the past I would have probably fallen! LOL! So far, I would think these might be a good answer to someone who needs to tighten up a skate that fits great in every area but the heel. I would not use them to make something fit that doesn't.

i've got the same response pretty much as you with the socks, just need to now play around with the inserts to fine tune it.

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i have to figure out which inserts to use for the left foot a little better. In my desire to really lock everything in, I over tightened the laces and my foot started falling asleep!

It is hard to get them right the first time, as the seated position you use when trying for the first time is totally different than the foot in motion. I am confident I will nail it and have great results from now on.

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I found the same with the socks. They definitely lock the heel and snug things up in the boot. My skates already fit quite well, this was merely an experiment of trying to remove all space from the heel area. Even while using the 4mm and 2mm combined, I think they make my boot a bit too tight in the heel. I might play around with them a bit more, using either the 4mm or 2mm insert in one side of the sock only for each foot. Otherwise, I'll just end up going back to a traditional skate sock that's much less expensive.

I think they'd be a good choice for someone who has been sized correctly, and is looking to snug things up a little bit in the ankle area. If you already have a decently good fit, these might make things a bit too tight for you. These shouldn't be a solution for someone who's been sized incorrectly - they're not going to solve all the problems.

I'm also wondering what effects these would have on the skate boot themselves. You're obviously changing the shape of the padding inside the ankle area, as was evident when I look in the boot after skating (you can see the perforations from the inserts and the slot on the sock where you install the inserts). If you plan on wearing these for a period of time where the padding inside your boot changes, then you decide to go back to a regular sock, I don't think you'll be able to regain the shape of the boot before using the sock.

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You are only supposed to use a thickness that takes away excess negative space and no more. If you use a larger but then it is possible that some padding shift might occur but you would have to speak to Dr S on that. If your just using it to fill there is no issue. My team and the players that use them forget one of the 2 pairs on occasion and have no issue skating without but feel the stability when they have it in.

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