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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm hossa curve

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i know that ccm made this curve on the v100 vectors. its kinda like a sakic, but with a lower lie. did they ever make this pattern in any of their blades? or was it just limited to the v100? i'm assuming they're going to discontinue this curve soon with hossa rockin' the bauer name now.

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They just had the full V110's. They have a ton of V110 blades. I don't remember if they have Hossa or not but it's a possiblity.

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Renamed to Bonk, can be found on all CCM OPS/graphite blades.

i just got around to looking at the bonk. that can't be the same. according to ccm's site, it has a lie of 6. no way a hossa is a 6.

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Renamed to Bonk, can be found on all CCM OPS/graphite blades.

i just got around to looking at the bonk. that can't be the same. according to ccm's site, it has a lie of 6. no way a hossa is a 6.

Either that or the Hossa has been discontinued. It's not on the CCM website. I saw a Bonk V120 at my lhs and it had the same toe rocker and curve as the Hossa V100. Beside, CCM's lies are way off anyway.

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