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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Attn: Tour users that also play ice

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I am thinking about getting back into ice hockey again. Its been a while and my last ice stint was fairly short...

I find that the Tour skates fit me well for roller but they obviously don't make an ice hockey skate. I was wondering what Tour users skate with when playing ice hockey. Right now I am leaning towards the Bauer Flexlite line.

Obvioulsy I know that I have to try skates on, but the only LHS I have around here pushes CCM and Easton only. They don't carry much for Reebok and Bauer. I could drive 2-hours to another shop (Total Hockey), but they don't carry certain skates I want to try like the Flexlites. At this point I think I am just going to order through IceWarehouse since they have free return shipping. I can just go trial/error until I find something that works. The less amount the better though!

Also, I know zilch about proper sharpening. I am a big guy (6'0, 275lbs) and think that transitioning from roller would mean that I want a flat set-up without a lot of rocker. Personal preferences aside of course. Any advice there?

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I would get another pair of tours and convert them to ice. I did that with my missions and it was the best decision I could have made. I did need to profile my steel to an 11 foot radius to get that flatter feeling.

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Tour does actually make ice skates, I have a couple teammates that wear Tours for both roller and ice and love it. As already mentioned, I agree, wearing the same boot for roller and ice is great.

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