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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most "square" tapered shaft?

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For a boxy shaft, I'd look into the previously mentioned Total One tapered shaft from Pure Hockey. Also, Reebok shafts are pretty squared as well. The EQ50 shaft is also fairly boxy.

I bought a couple of totalone tapereds from Pure and i dont find them that boxy, they are basically inbetween a boxy and round.

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The Harrow 300 comes in a box shaft shape and I can say from using it that it was great! It comes in a couple of grip options. I had the glossy grip finish and it was nice and tacky. I'm using a Sher-wood T-80 grip one-piece now and the shaft dimension feels just as boxy as the Harrow. My assumption would be that the shaft they offer, the T-90, would have a similar shape. My old Easton Synergy Elite was nice and boxy too.

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Any new suggestions for very boxy shafts? I prefer standard, but any suggestions would be appreciated. I tried the T90 but it is too round. The Reebok's are the most boxy I have seen but the griptonite is overwhelming and unmanageable for me.

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Any new suggestions for very boxy shafts? I prefer standard, but any suggestions would be appreciated. I tried the T90 but it is too round. The Reebok's are the most boxy I have seen but the griptonite is overwhelming and unmanageable for me.

Try the 20K shaft. It has the dual grip (matte on the underside of the shaft and half of the sidewall, and grip on the topside of the shaft and other half of the sidewall).

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