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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone can help me?

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I bought Easton gloves on Ebay from Eastwest hockey. Today I received an email and they said that they can't ship my gloves to Canada. :angry:

Can someone on MSH that live in USA can give me his adress so Eastwest hockey can ship my gloves to you and after you received my gloves, you ship them to me.

I will cover all the fees... ;)

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Are you sure this is a company policy or to do with the fact the gloves may be made off shore and require a declaration of origin, and a certification of materials (as they may have some organic components)...thing which only Easton can supply.

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Are you sure this is a company policy or to do with the fact the gloves may be made off shore and require a declaration of origin, and a certification of materials (as they may have some organic components)...thing which only Easton can supply.

They said it was company policy.

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Well to be sure, you might ask them if it is policy for marketing reasons, or because of duty/import complications...because if it's duty/import, then the same problems could apply to anyone else shipping them in

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It's one of ther terms of the dealer agreement. To ship the gloves to canada would likely violate that and they could lose their account.

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I've just received an answer from EastWest hockey and here's what they said.

I asked him :

I ask one of my friend who lives in USA if you can ship the gloves to him and here what he answer me :

"Well to be sure, you might ask them if it is policy for marketing reasons, or because of duty/import complications...because if it's duty/import, then the same problems could apply to anyone else shipping them in"

Can you reply me an answer to his question.


EastWest hockey answer :

you can have him ship as a gift I can not...

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Easton doesn't want them shipping them across the border because easton sets their prices on stuff in Canada much higher than stuff in the states. If stores in the States were allowed to ship stuff over the border, nobody would buy any Easton stuff in stores in Canada, they would order it all online and get it for much cheaper.

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As far as the pricing goes..that could well be the answer, but there are some other possibilities as well.

Normally you can ship "gifts" under a certain value across the border with no problem. But if they are indeed manufactured off shore and with the avdent of "mad cow disease" any goods containing leather probably come under a special import regulation. Plus the duties on goods from China going into Canada (if that's where they are coming from) have a differrent duty scale up there than the same goods coming into the USA. The US importer of these gloves probably has all the paper work filled out when they come into the USA...and I will almost guarantee that there is a master distributor in Canada who has also filled out these forms, as the gloves are probably shipped direct to Canada, not from the US..to save the extra handling and paper work necessary in crossing two borders....So call customs before you go through the hassle, and ask them if there is a problem.....Not trying to be a pain about this...it's just I know how fussy some customs regulations can get..particularily if it involves anything to do with organic materials that (in their opinion) could be contaminated.

Just to give you an example of how stupid it can get...I bought a car down here in the US for my Dad as a gift about 12 years ago. Before I actually purchased the car, I called customs to ask how much duty I would have to pay (before Nafta), and was given an amount of around $800.00. I bought the car, and spent an additional $2200.00 fixing up the suspension and the brakes so the car ran perfectly and was inspected. This particular car...a "Premier" was actually built in Canada and exported to the USA. When I got to the border and went in to pay the duty....I was told in no uncertain terms that I could not bring this car back into Canada either as a gift or to sell....no matter that some customs agent failed to tell me this when I called...When I asked why, I was told it did not meet Canadfian Safety standards. The car was identical to any car sold in Canada..however the Canadian government required that the attachment points for the seat belts be certified on these cars before they could be sold into Canada. On cars shipped to the USA, this was not a requirement, so the paperwork was never filled out....Hence the exact same car from the same assembly line could not be returned to Canada......

I believe it's called job security....just call customs or a customs agent like "Consolidated" to find out if there will be a problem.

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You can have it sent to another person before it is sent to you, without any legal problems. A business can not ship something you purchased across the border, as a gift, an individual can.

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You can have it sent to another person before it is sent to you, without any legal problems. A business can not ship something you purchased across the border, as a gift, an individual can.

Vapor is very nice. He accepted that I make ship my order to him, than he will ship it to me via UPS.

Thanks a lot Vapor

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