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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks, Sticks, and More Sticks. ALL RH.

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I've got a bunch of sticks that I need to move. I've been buying way too much gear lately and have no room for sticks I don't use.

All sticks are RH. All prices are in USD and shipping is to US and CANADA only. PM me with questions and offers.


Easton S17 Lang Pro Stock. Druryish curve, longer blade. I have 3 of these all brand new. $110

Easton CNT Stealth. Drury. 100 flex. Bottom 1/4 sprayed black. Slight use. $80

Easton Synergy Orange Cheechoo Pro Stock. Druryish curve, Modano shaped blade. Used a handful of times. $70

Easton Synergy Silver Karpa Pro Stock. Lidstrom curve with toe rounded down. Slight use. $70

Nike Bauer One95 Pro Stock. P71. 95 flex. Slight use. $80

Bauer TotalONE. P14. 87 flex. Slight use. $120

Bauer TotalONE. PM9. 102 flex. Like new. $160

Bauer TotalONE. TJ Oshie Pro Stock. Toe curve. 95 Flex. Very little use. $150

Bauer TotalONE. David Backes Pro Stock. Similar to P88. 112 Flex. Very little use. $150

Warrior Widow Pro Stock. Drury. Nipple grip. Brand new. I have a few of these. $150

Warrior Widow Kovalev, 85 flex. This has been used some, overall good shape. $120








Mission composite Robert Lang, standard. Brand new. I have 3 of these. $50

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