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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk Steel

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Hello, I just got some tuuk lightspeed 2 holders put on my graf skates, when i got the skates back I looked them over and every thing looks good and lined up like the guy did a good job, but when I looked at the steel it wasn't tuuk steel with ls written on it. It looks like it say's jep on the back of the steel and in the middle of the steel blade it say's either jt speed or it speed, it's hard to pick out exactly what it say's. Does anyone know what kind of steel they put in there? I've never heard of this, i've asked around and no one seems to know. Any help would be apreciated

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I used them tonight, I really liked them, there`s more steel which is gonna take a few games to get used to but so far so good. Just another question my step steel say`s speed, I did a search here and didn`t get any results, I see people have used velocity and ``regular``, what`s the difference between the speed ones and the others

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