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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinking of Relocating...

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Title says it all, I have seen a few people post about leagues in Nashville and I know a few on here live in Texas. Just curious if the members who have lived in or around these areas might give me their view of the areas. I am going back to school so I am not doing this for a career, just time to try something different. I am big into music as well as hockey. Thanks

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Dallas has all the hockey you could want to play, though you need to live centrally, as the rinks are spread around the metroplex. Living wise, not that bad. Then again, I've been here most of my life...


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Thanks guys. A good friend of mine lives in Dallas now and loves it. I have always felt drawn to Austin as well. Who knows maybe it will happen...maybe it won't.

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Austin is a surprisingly amazing hockey town and you cannot beat the music scene. There's an adult league running in the same rink that's home to the Texas Stars (AHL, Dallas' farm team), which is very nice to skate on. It's organized, friendly, and a great place to live. They have full-service restaurant/bar movie theatres. I lived there for 8 years and every single day I miss something about Austin. :)

And, you know. SXSW and ACL is a tough package to match anywhere in the US.

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