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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Question

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Just bought a Bauer HS22 visor. All of my previous visors have attached to the top of my helmet and snapped to the sides. I attached things fine with the spacers and screws, but I am not sure how tight to make the screws. Right now I can still move the visor up an down with my hands, but I am afraid to tighten it too much for fear I will crack the shield.

Suggestions would be appreciated....

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I just bought an Oakley that mounts like your Bauer. I tightened mine down pretty good. Not sure what Bauers instructions say, but Oakley says to tighten the screws with the visor pulled all the way out/furthest from your face. While I know this can be a preference thing, I did notice the visor is much more stable and really doesn't move up and down when mounted in this fashion. Might be worth a shot.

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I just got the latest bauer visor also I tightened it until I could do a half rotation and it stopped. It's a feel thing can't really say how hard to tighten it.

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It's one of the issues I have with "no vent" visors that do not mount on the top of the helmet. I screw them down until both the screws and the visor do not move. I still use a blue "no vent" Oakley pro straight on one of my helmets, but I much prefer the vented (ie Oakley 924) because the two screws on the top plus one loose screw on each side make the visor immoble.

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The visor I have on my S9 Easton helmet is the same. It has 2 holes on each side, and although I have tightened it down, there is still some slight movement. This doesn't really bother me, and I really don't see it becoming an issue in terms of protection.

I would say that as long as it doesn't move while you are playing, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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