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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oh nice, I had seen some the other day that were more like $130. Maybe I'll buy these just to give them a try. At that price, if I don't like em who cares...

Edit: Aw, no size Large. Oh well!

He's probably talking about something like these: http://img.inlinewar...g/EZ2MM-big.jpg. That manufacturer makes them in varying thickness.

That's exactly the ones I just bought. I think they will help a lot. The skates fit very very well otherwise.

I'm actually going to order a set of Bauer Supreme Classic shoulders as well, just to see if I like them.

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I'm actually starting to wonder if it's not so much the heel width so much as the heel/backstay shape. The G70 has a medium heel width, moderately pronounced heel/backstay shape, and a deep instep depth.

So, the problem is that your heel is straight and not pronounced?

Since Graf doesnt have a boot with a narrow heel and deep instep depth (according to their little chart on their website), I wonder if the Ultra G7 might actually be better for me. They describe it as medium heel width, straight heel/backstay shape, and medium/deep instep depth (somehow controlled by a "fit flap", that I see no information on how it works on their site).

G7 is more like medium depth, but the "fit flap" can make it a little bit deeper. Actually "fit flap" is a sort of soft pads under the "ears" on each side of the skate. They can provide some more depth if you lace it tightly by squeezing those fit flaps. But I would say it's more a fit feature.

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Yes, I'd say its more straight. BUT... I went skating a few times since I posted in these things. The ankle booties did nothing, as I don't think it's actually the heel being too wide. I actually think the heel is too narrow, not allowing my heel to sit back all the way. My left skate is just fine, but my right has the slippage. I honestly wonder if re-baking them could potentially fix the problem. Widen up the heel a tad so my heel can go all the way to the back of the boot and I should be good... or so it seems. Again, my left foot is PERFECT so I'm really thinking re-baking will correct this.

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