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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 9900 VS Bauer 8500 helmet

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Is the current version of the 8500 the same as the old nike bauer 8500?

How does the 8500 compare to the 9900?

We can't get the 9900 in the right color so looking at ordering an 8500 in the right color.

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The 8500 I have is 2 years old so I can't compare it against todays model.

I've got both helmets. The 9900 has lot more memory foam in it so it gives a better fit to odd shaped heads. However if your noggin is a normal shape there is nothing wrong with the 8500, in fact I think the adjustment system at the back is a lot more robust than what the 9900 has.

I've never had a serious hit in either (prefer my S19) so can't vouch for the EEP system used in the 8500 or the FXPP foam / PORON XRD technology in the 9900.

At the end of the day the memory foam does make a huge difference when you are looking for a comfort fit on your noggin and this would be the item that separates the two helmets for me.

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I have had the 8500/9500/9900 , the 9500 and 9900 fell apart easily inside. The 8500 is still strong , the only thing i dont like is that the 8500 memory foams get Really oily for some reason,

I was a l in 9xxx and an 8500 xl, and i find the fit and adjustments much better on the 8500. The 9xxx were pushing on the side of my head, but dont take my word for it, try them

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