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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor lover

tight midfoot

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hey guys. i got new vapor 3.0 skates in ee width. everything fits great, exept when i tie the laces as tight as my other skates my midfoot falls asleep. its not the width thats bothering me, but more like the height of it. i have yellow superfeet in to help my pronation. what should i do? just not tighten them all the way up? thanks

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You are over tightening, has nothing to do with the width.

I have EE width, and I tend to keep the mid foot as loose as possible yet still snug. I make sure a pencil can barely fit under the laces.

I remember getting my new skates and did the same thing, couldn't even finish a lap before my feet started to hurt like hell.

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VL, I also have pronation issues and also a high instep. You mentioned the height of the skate is bothering you. Is the skate deep enough? Did you do the pencil test? My left foot is my trouble foot. Larger than my right and pronates. The depth of the skate always seems to be an issue for my left foot. My right foot seems to fit just about any skate. As the previous post mentioned, it sounds like you may be over tightening but you do that because of the pronation. Tighter feels better for the pronation but may cause pain and doesn't necessarily help with your skating. I question the depth of the skate. For me, I need a deep skate with good wrap around the top of the foot, a good foot bed and slight adjustment of the holder (inward). Depending on the amount of pronation you have, hopefully some of my suggestions will help. Oh yeah, I also found that a more forward pitch on the skate also helps with pronation. It puts me more on the ball of my feet and seems to help with the pronation.

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