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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Overnight hockey tourney

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Im participating in an overnight hockey tournament tomorrow night (10pm-6am).

The format for this one is 3 v 3, cross ice, 20 minute run time, minimum 7 games guaranteed. They call it the ironman!

I was curious how popular these tournaments are and if anyone has any tips for me and my team.

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Hydrate!!!! If you drink caffeine drink an extra 12 ounces per cup of caffeinated drink on top of what you would normally drink. I have participated in the Bakersfield hockeython and that was 11pm to 9 am. It was a blast, but got sloppy and dangerous by the morning. People get tired sticks get a little more careless. It is a blast though! Have fun.

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