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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HELP XXV Skates Bulging

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Hi All,

So basically I have had these for about 3-4 months skate maybe twice a week and I have noticed a V shaped bulge on the inside of my skate in between my lace eyelet.

I did some searching and it seems the depth of the skate is not right for my foot. Although when I tried them on (Brand new) Had no bulge as they were stiffer I'm presuming. As time has gone on and they have broken in to my foot they have bulged. If this is the case and they are only 4 months old do I have grounds to take them back to where I got them?

Also is there anyway you can measure the depth of your foot as to match it to a pair of skates? As if my foot is not good in bauers I will need to find skates that are a nice fit.

Few things to take in to account.

In Australia so Easton and Bauer are only skates I can try on.

Basically only one place to get skates from.

Any other advice would be great.

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