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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Extending Easton eq50 stick? (butt-end)

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I like my easton eq50 but I would like to experiment with a bit longer stick. This stick is rather new so I'd prefer not to wait until I replace it.

This stick has the weights in the butt end. I had a carbon fiber plug that's hollow on the inside I hoped would work but it is significantly smaller in diameter.

Are there any plugs that work for this stick?


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Yep, just switch to a wood end plug. You obviously won't be able to put the weighted cap in it, but the wood serves that purpose to begin with.

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How much length are you looking to add? Sometimes I'll extend a stick by cutting off the insertion part of a wooden plug and "graft on" the additional length of stick that I have taken from another broken stick. By adding length from a real stick, you will still be able to use the EQ50 end plug. That small wooden section used in the connection barely adds any weight. It's not even noticeable. You may or may not need to use the EQ50 weights for balancing after that. (If you're adding less than 3 inches, you may not have enough room to fit the EQ50 plug anyway.)

This technique is great for adding 3-5 inches. Probably not a good idea for adding longer sections that might put too much flex/stress on the connection joint.

Procedure goes something like this, but be prepared to improvise:

1. Get a wooden butt end and cut off the insertion end. (Some butt-ends come with a little glue on them. I always add more.)

2. Cut the length you want to add from another broken stick. (Better if both sticks have the same shaft profle (i.e. square/rounded corners/concave).

3. Test fit the connection with the stick, the plug, and the additional length of stick.

4. Sharpie a line on the wood to mark the halfway point.

5. Score a few lengthwise grooves in the connection piece of wood so that more glue can surround the joint.

6. Heat and apply glue to the wood joint and insert it halfway into the main stick. Let that cool completely.

7. Heat and apply glue to the protruding end of the wood joint and slide on the lengthening piece of stick.

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I used a drill press with a bit the diameter of the weight to drill out the extension. Just drill deep enough so the weights sit flush, then wrap with tape. It was easy and was an easy fix. If it is too heavy remove the tape and pull a weight out.

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