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Size me up: Shin Pads

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Just getting back into hockey, looking for some help here with sizing.


185 lbs

I am 17-17.5" from my knee to the top eyelet on my skates

I will wear these inside my tongues

Skinny Calves

I went to my local LHS and tried on some shin pads recently. The largest size they had were 16". Some 15's were tight, some fit fine. The 15's seemed pretty short. Some 16's were fine, some were too big (volume wise).

I think I should be in a 17", even with wearing them inside my tongues/flopping. But I am sorta worried that a 17" will be too much volume.

What do you guys think? Can I get away with a 16? Should I look for a lower volume 17" shin?

BTW: I know this is a repetitive topic. I searched. There was nothing for my specific length question I found, so bear with me.

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To find the correct length of pad, look for something that will sit 2 finger widths above the inside ankle bone while fully done up. You might have to jump +/- a size between models since some have longer liners that might add some length. Since you're wearing these inside your tongue, maybe you should also consider pads with an additional layer of protection against the bottom edge to help with tongue durability and maybe even overall comfort as an 'unguarded' bottom edge might chew up felt tongues.


Using this as an example, you can see the black cover guarding the bottom of the pad; pretty common feature on most mid/high end gear. Are you particular on a slimmer fitting pad or simply with whatever feels the best?

After that, go with what Vulcan posted. But then again; I may be completely wrong so take my advice as-is.

Goodluck! :smile:

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Which ever you feel fits and feels the best is the kind you should go with.

A+ post. Would read again.

As I said, I cant try on 17's. Not only did my LHS not have 17's, he only had 3 models of 16's.

To find the correct length of pad, look for something that will sit 2 finger widths above the inside ankle bone while fully done up. You might have to jump +/- a size between models since some have longer liners that might add some length. Since you're wearing these inside your tongue, maybe you should also consider pads with an additional layer of protection against the bottom edge to help with tongue durability and maybe even overall comfort as an 'unguarded' bottom edge might chew up felt tongues.


Using this as an example, you can see the black cover guarding the bottom of the pad; pretty common feature on most mid/high end gear. Are you particular on a slimmer fitting pad or simply with whatever feels the best?

Thanks for the tip on the "guard" for the felt tongues. I never even noticed that as a feature. Since I have never noticed Jofas with this feature, and they are the holy grail, am I to assume this is just an added benefit, and not something people find crucial?

I mark a pair of old socks were the top of my skates are, then stay 1/2 to a inch above the mark. I have no idea if its the right way :o

Yeah, I think thats about a 16.5. Hence the dilemma. Do I go a little shorter because of the 17" will be too much volume, or does the volume not increase much from a 16 to a 17 anyway? (Inside volume, aka space for your calf)

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Definitely some factors involved here that you're just not going to get fully right without doing a "proper" fitting in person.

That said, it would seem as though you and I may have a similar body-build. I'm 6' 2" and weigh a lean 180 lbs. I tend to wear a 17" shin over the tongue and a 16" when I flop (which is almost never anymore). Like you say, however, the actual shin guard makes a difference too. If I were going to consistently wear a guard behind the tongue I would likely go with either a narrower model (like the Bauer Vapor line) or look into something like the new Easton line-up that is perhaps a bit more traditional width but has a very narrowed (flopper friendly?) bottom portion. Of course, prior to changing up to playing more defense recently I had always prefered a slim shin guard regardless. Either way though I generally size down by 1" unless I'm comfortable with skipping the top eyelets on my skates to let the tongue flop a little lower. (Yet another factor in there.)

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Definitely some factors involved here that you're just not going to get fully right without doing a "proper" fitting in person.

That said, it would seem as though you and I may have a similar body-build. I'm 6' 2" and weigh a lean 180 lbs. I tend to wear a 17" shin over the tongue and a 16" when I flop (which is almost never anymore). Like you say, however, the actual shin guard makes a difference too. If I were going to consistently wear a guard behind the tongue I would likely go with either a narrower model (like the Bauer Vapor line) or look into something like the new Easton line-up that is perhaps a bit more traditional width but has a very narrowed (flopper friendly?) bottom portion. Of course, prior to changing up to playing more defense recently I had always prefered a slim shin guard regardless. Either way though I generally size down by 1" unless I'm comfortable with skipping the top eyelets on my skates to let the tongue flop a little lower. (Yet another factor in there.)

Thanks for the reply. I actually dont lace the top eyelets, at least not with the skates I have now. I never did when I played previously (aka when I was younger) either. Of course, newer skates could change this. I am skating on old Tacks still.

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I really hate the thought of steering you wrong, but if I was in your boat (clear down to the skipping top eyelet etc, etc.) I think I would roll the dice on some 17s. Hey, if it doesn't work out, there's always eBay. :tongue:

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I usually put on a skate in the shop and tuck the shin pad into the back of the tongue. If my knee is in the cap, I'm golden. Usually that is a 15 for me. Putting them over the front of the tongue means I have to go to a 16 most of the time. If you tried them on with skates and weren't happy with the results, then you may have to take a chance on ordering something different.

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So I found some 17's to try. They were Bauer Supreme One80's. They were too long. I didnt like the bad at all either, and these seemed to run a little long (that 15 vs another 15), but I *know* I can fit in a 16 and be ok. Whereas a 17 would have to be the perfect pad.

So, I know there are some threads about shin's for people with skinny calves, but anyone have any other recommendations? What about the other RBK's when Jofa first took them over...from the first 2-3 years when the design was still Jofa oriented?

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