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NHL game vs Mens hockey tourny?

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I am in a tight decision I have only money for 1 or the other. First choice see Devils (my favorite team) at Rangers (best friends favorite team) with my best friend. The other choice is spend the same amount of money to be a single player for the tourny in Boston? I also dont get much of a change to play in an adult tourny. Also I go to a college not to far from Boston. My house is a train ride away from MSG. So I am hoping you guys can help weigh my decision Battle of the Hudson River vs Mens adult hockey tourny.

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Unless you're some sort of voyeuristic hockey pervert, playing should trump watching. Watching when playing isn't available is a convenience; watching when playing is available is morally corrupt.

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Always play. I think I passed up ice time once, but then the Windsor Spitfires were playing an OHL finals home game and well, I chose that, seeing as I had season tickets and it was second last home game of season.

Unless it is a really important game, go play, you'll enjoy it more.

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Play. Its not as if the Rangers and Devils are never going to play each other again. Like someone else said, unless its tickets to game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals, you should always choose playing over watching.

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Thing is I am being an add on for a team I dont know if I play in the tourny.

I'd talk to the guy that runs the team and tell them your situation. If the guy says you're definitely going to play, go for it. If it's iffy, or if you think you'd spend most of the time on the bench, I'd check out the NHL game.

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Unless you're some sort of voyeuristic hockey pervert, playing should trump watching. Watching when playing isn't available is a convenience; watching when playing is available is morally corrupt.

This post brought to you by Hyperbole Inc.: we make it obvious.

lol! great answer sir.

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