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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Advantage of Superfeet Yellow?

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No, the consumer returns it to the retailer, and the retailer sends it back to the manufacturer for a credit or replacement stock. It doesn't go back on the rack.

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Well maybe that's how it's supposed to work but I have done more superfeet shopping than I care to admit and I guarantee that many stores have returned inserts hanging from the rack. :)

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Well maybe that's how it's supposed to work but I have done more superfeet shopping than I care to admit and I guarantee that many stores have returned inserts hanging from the rack. :)

In almost a year and a half of fitting them, I haven't seen a single return or processed any returns on SF. There will obviously be a few trimmed pairs, but they aren't considered used product.

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Just skated in mine for the first time last night...I like them so far, I noticed the support in the arch and felt a bit more solid on my edges. Experienced a little pain but I think that is from me tightening my skates a bit too tight and not accommodating for the extra volume these took up.

I wear a size 8 Bauer skate and went with a size E (9.5-11) as I felt they supported my foot better when I tried them on in the store. After trimming them they fit in the skate without any issues.

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