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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do I turn a voicemail in to an MP3 or other sound file

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I apologize if this should have gone in the misc discussion forum but i really need help from someone with much more technical knowledge than I.

My uncle passed away around the holidays from cancer, prior to him turning for the worst he left my dad (his brother) general voicemails where he sounded like my uncle (not the cancer ridden man who we knew in his last days). My dad doesnt trust the save voicemail on verizon and he wants to keep the sound of his brothers voice forever. Can anyone help me put the voicemails in to some sort of digital sound file that will sound decent quality? I am hopeing this can be done, and would greatly appreciate the advice! Also Im pretty slow when it comes to computer and doing thins other than email, internet and copying pictures from camera, you know simple things!


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I know that it CAN be done. several years ago I was involved in a minor car wreck where the other driver left the scene. when the cops tracked her down and ticketed her the ticket had my phone number on it. she then called my house and left a threatening voicemail. I had a friend who's an audio engineer turn it into a mp3 file so that I could email it to the insurance company. they settled immediately. :)

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If you have an Apple laptop with the stock built-in microphone, just open Garageband, put the phone on speaker, and record the message with Garageband. From there you can convert it to an mp3 or nearly any other sound file you'd want. If you don't have a mac etc you should still be able to do this with a microphone and audio recording software

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Thanks, I think i may have it figured out. Going to try to forward them to a member on here whos voicemails go straight to email audio files. If that doesnt work I'll be back for more suggestions

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