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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok wheeled bag

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does anyone have the wheeled reebok bag.... black and white? its 60.00 MSRP in the stores...

whats up with this bag?

i have all adult equipment and everything barely / doesnt even fit! im really pissed off with this bag!


this is the exact bag......

please clue me in ??????

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i dont own or have used the 6k bag... but i can tell you i have always bought hockey bags on the cheap from my LHS... ive never had a problem with any of my gear fitting and i cant think of why your isnt fitting either. If you can return it id do so. Buy yourself a cheap bag and its def better to see it in person before you buy it so you can judge the space your given. Hope this helps you, i would be pretty pissed as well. best of luck

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I would go the opposite route, buy a large pro style team bag and they last damn near forever. The bags Marcelo made for us and the previous bags we bought from him as an SMI rep were both damn near bulletproof for hockey use.

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  On 1/26/2012 at 11:16 PM, Philly Fly-hairs said:

i would def go chadds way first - if your on a budget like myself then the other way is good as well but pro bags are indeed amazing

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Over the long run the high quality bags tend to cost less as you don't have to replace them as often and there isn't usually that much of a difference in cost. For the same $59.99 the OP spent on his bag, something like this or this would last longer and work better. That said, I understand that sometimes you just don't have the cash to spend when you need something. But when you can, buying quality is almost always a better/cheaper long term solution than buying cheap.

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I had an older model of the Reebok wheeled bag and it was fine until the wheels broke off. I don't believe it was the bags fault though, as it was pretty well abused!!

We have also gone with the pro style,and never looked back!!!

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