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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bruins Pro Shop Pro Stock Sticks

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I was wondering about the used pro stock sticks at the bruins pro shop, I called them today and they said they had 1 lefty and some righty's but I was wondering if anybody has gone to the shop or has purchased sticks from them. What kind of condition are they in, what are the prices, and how often do they get sticks? Also if anybody could purchase a stick from there for me PM me.

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I haven't been this season... but they are usually at least playable. Most of them are in pretty good condition though. If my PO wasn't a pain in the rear with oversized packages, I'd consider.... but every time I'd bring in a stick, they'd measure differently and it'd drive me nuts.

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These sticks are usually in pretty good condition. Probably used for a practice or two. I was just in there a day or two before Xmas and they had a bunch - they usually always have a few in the rack. Usually priced around $120 or $130.

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I've had nothing but success with the Bruins Pro Shop and their sticks. I've bought at least a half dozen sticks from there over the past 5 years or so.

When they first started selling sticks they had no idea what they had and the sticks were super cheap, about $50 bucks. They've since gone up in price and if you think about $105 to $120 for a slightly used stick is a good deal then stop by and check them out. I was in there maybe 2 weeks ago and they had a few right handed RS in good shape, Joe Corvo & Rich Peverly. Both looked to be used for a practice and discarded. They also had a bunch of retail S19 in Sakic curve that Nathan Horton actually used.

I've got the luxury of living 10 minutes from the Garden so I stop in every once and a while and check out the selection. It varies and the guys at the store never know when or what they're getting, it's up to the equipment guys. To put it in perspective, you could call TSR and get a brand new pro stock stick for $120 plus shipping.

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Peverly's blade is always interesting to see. I won't lie, seeing how short his stick is I've thought about grabbing one but that flex would be about 3x more than I need.

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