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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok E pro holder issues

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hey... new skater and new to all this equipment. i have the reebok 6K skate. with the EPro holder. it has 2 screws on each tuuk . the front screw fell out while i was playing a game last night . i now have no screw for the holder. what do i do? just go to home depot and get a screw?

thanks in advance for any help provided.

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Go to your LHS (local hockey store) and they will sell you a proper screw for a buck or two. I would NOT recommend using an ordinary screw from a hardware store, as it won't work properly and could fall out or even damage the blade/holder. If you don't have an LHS, order the screw online from wherever you bought the skates.

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Not sure what shops are local to you in Providence but I would think the Pure Hockey in warwick should have them.

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Go to your LHS (local hockey store) and they will sell you a proper screw for a buck or two. I would NOT recommend using an ordinary screw from a hardware store, as it won't work properly and could fall out or even damage the blade/holder. If you don't have an LHS, order the screw online from wherever you bought the skates.

Actually, those CCM screws are pretty costly.

I was floored the last time I ordered some.

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Actually, those CCM screws are pretty costly.

I was floored the last time I ordered some.

Really? I have yet to order any for the shop - been working off salvaged ones. Shouldn't surprise me though. To the OP, advice still stands, do NOT use an ordinary screw from Home Despot - bad things will happen.

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well heres an update : i should say first the reebok 6k skates arent even mine. they are my fathers that skates a few times a month and never uses them.... i hyjacked them to play a few league games with until i can get a new pair.

I didnt have the recipt and he DID buy them at pure hockey - in south shore, MA where i grew up.

I took them to the Pure Hockey in Warwick... where i actually bought a pair of youth Bauer Vapor4's just a week ago for my wife who is just getting into messing around at public skates. No questions asked the guy took my skate in the back and put new screws in and tightened both skates for me. He told me every day people come in with these E-holders with this issue. and it DOES happen with the TUUK blades too. because i was concerned if i should be buying a skate with a TUUK holder and stay away from the CCM's E Holder. He said both can/will break become loose over time.

So fast foward to now.... just got a 2 hour skate in with the skates and they are skating great.

This afternoon im pretty sure im buying a pair for myself and give my old man his skates back! stuck between CCM's or Bauers! i got alot of decisions to make!

thanks for the help ya'all and be good as always!

PS i dont know any mods ... but im still waiting for that member+ addition! trying to make as many informative and quality posts as possible.

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