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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok D same or pretty close to Bauer EE?

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hey quick question. sorry if this sounds dumb but i was told that Reebok skates tend to run wider than Bauer Vapor skates. so my question is then..would a EE width in Bauer be same or pretty close to the D in the same size in a Reebok skate? thanks. i bought a pair of the old Vapor XXX skates new for real cheap and their a 9EE and my current skates are the Reebok 9K in 9D they seem to fit alright, wondering how much difference im dealing with and how i could compensate. maybe a diff footbed? and help appreciated. thanks

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yes they were 50 bucks brand new vapor 30s never been sharpened guy had them in his closet. i bought them bcus it was a good deal. im just wondering if reeboks really fit wider like some lhs say then would i notice a difference? if they dont feel right i could always sell them.

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From what I've noticed, the D's fit pretty similar in the heel area and the lower mid-foot, it's when you get to the front slope of the arches that you start to notice a difference. The new vapors seem to get a bit snug here, and then open up a bit in the toe box, where as the supremes tend to be more consistent in the arch area and close at the toe box. Reeboks tend to run wide throughout the front slope of the arch and into the toe box, so much so that you can see it when you put them on. Very fat in the front, but since I have a wide forefoot, I don't consider that a bad thing. ;)

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