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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok A.i blade information (not found in other thread)

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I just got a Reebok A.i5 stick and I played two games with it so far, no structural damage at all. Today I was using a swedish stick handling ball and noticed that the blade was extra loud when coming in contact with the puck. Much more so then my Reebok 9K, 4K, ST, One95, or Macdaddy. It made me believe the blade was broken. Long story short, its not.

Why is this blade so loud? I know it seems weird to ask, but what is it made out of compared to some of the other sticks I listed? and when I say loud I mean much louder.

Thanks in advance for any answers guys.

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I have a retail 8.0.8 that I also found much louder than my other sticks. No cracks or chips just a lot louder. I got over it pretty quickly and now it just sounds like I have a hard shot.

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Reebok's tend to have very loud blades, almost sounding like they're broken.

By the sounds they still haven't fixed that, which is a reason why I refuse to buy another Reebok stick.

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  On 2/7/2012 at 2:40 PM, pulax30 said:

I have a retail 8.0.8 that I also found much louder than my other sticks. No cracks or chips just a lot louder. I got over it pretty quickly and now it just sounds like I have a hard shot.

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Yeah I got over it when I fell in love with my 9K. Perfect price to performance ratio. Unfortunately, like the most of us, a new stick lured me in!

  On 2/7/2012 at 4:38 PM, BoDangles said:

Reebok's tend to have very loud blades, almost sounding like they're broken.

By the sounds they still haven't fixed that, which is a reason why I refuse to buy another Reebok stick.

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That seems to be a weird reason to swear off a brand of sticks all together. What brand do you like to use? And you are right, it almost sounds like my A.i blade is broken, although my 9K and outdoor 4K dont sound this way.

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  On 2/7/2012 at 5:05 PM, sdougherty said:

Yeah I got over it when I fell in love with my 9K. Perfect price to performance ratio. Unfortunately, like the most of us, a new stick lured me in!

That seems to be a weird reason to swear off a brand of sticks all together. What brand do you like to use? And you are right, it almost sounds like my A.i blade is broken, although my 9K and outdoor 4K dont sound this way.

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If I don't like their blades, why would I pick them when there are other brands I much prefer. I currently use a Warrior AK27 shaft with Easton wooden blade. My previous five sticks have all been Easton or have has Easton blades.

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How are the Reebok blades in terms of stiffness? Specifically, the higher end AI9 or 11K?

I tend to like a little softer blade, I get better puck feel. Just a personal thing, but I'm finding my last two purchases (S19 and RS) to have much stiffer blades compared to my SE16. Love the SE. I hope the Mako has a similar blade.

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  On 2/7/2012 at 5:05 PM, sdougherty said:

Yeah I got over it when I fell in love with my 9K. Perfect price to performance ratio. Unfortunately, like the most of us, a new stick lured me in!

That seems to be a weird reason to swear off a brand of sticks all together. What brand do you like to use? And you are right, it almost sounds like my A.i blade is broken, although my 9K and outdoor 4K dont sound this way.

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I use Reebok sticks, but I will note that there definitely is a weakness in pattern selection amongst the brand. My LHS almost always has only 3 patterns in stock, the crosby, datsyuk, and hedman, with the occasional Phaneuf. This doesnt effect me too much because I love the Datsyuk pattern, but I can see where others can shy away when manufacturers like Warrior, Bauer, and Easton leave you much more selection. Also, although I love the performance, I am finding that my reeboks crack in the toe more frequently than any other manufacturer I have owned previous, which has me possibly looking to go back to an easton or bauer stick, as I dont like to tape my toe, but i also do not like replacing 200 dollar sticks very often.

As for the loudness, I believe the A.I. line is simply the same as the 8.0.8. line except they covered the section with air pockets, and redisgned it a bit, so I think personally thats what causes the extra noise, but I am not sure. I stick with the 11k or 6k personally, and havent tested out the A.I. line on the ice as of yet.

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