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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered Shafts and Tapered Blades

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Hey boys. I'm new to the modsquad buy/sell board. I do buy/sell other stuff in other forums online but didn't even think about it for hockey. I'm looking forward to it! If you guys have any questions, feel free to shoot me a replay or PM.

Below some tapered shafts and LH tapered 11K blades for sale. I now use one piece base hockey sticks and these will just start collecting dust. Pics below as well.

3 Tapered Shafts

Easton EQ50 Tapered Shaft Flex 100 non-grip uncut. Bought this year - only used handful of times. Comes with the adjustable weighted plug.

Easton SE16 Tapered Shaft Flex 85 non-grip uncut. Bought last year. This one has a lot more wear than the EQ50 obviously (but the SE16 paint chips easily) and it still performs well. Great whippy stick.

Bauer Vapor XX Tapered Shaft Flex 87 grip. Bought while back, used for about a year

$150 for all three!

Just want people to know the Easton's tend to play whippier than other tapered shafts and sticks I have played with. So for example I don't want someone buying the EQ50 thinking it's a stiff stick. Both Easton's are not cut so they are actually rated less stiff. They're still great shafts - one of the best I've used but just keep it in mind if you've never played with them. No reason me selling someone something they don't actually want or like.

2 RBK 11K Crosby curves. Left handed. Both bought this year with the EQ50 and only used only a handful of times. Best tapered blade I have used on the market so far.


Shipping not included from Vancouver, Canada however open to offers. Like I said, I'm not using them, and I'm hoping I can find them a good home. Feel free to reply, send a PM if you have any questions or any type of offers.





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Both the SE16 and Vapor XX shafts still available. Still have the two 11K crosby LH tapered blades as well. Shipping from Vancouver, Canada. How come it's always people from the far East asking for shipping quotes. Where the west coast people at!

If these don't sell I may just give them away... Tapered shafts with short hosel blades is where it's at.

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