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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sharpening Hollow Question

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I generally like my skates duller than normal and weigh about 205lbs. I find after a standard sharpening, it takes awhile before they feel really good. I am now needing a sharpening to take out some nicks but enjoy the dullness. I also play in SD and soon to be in Vegas. What is the sharpening duller than 5/8th but not super dull?

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11/16 would be next setting, then 3/4 after that. Based on what you say, I suggest try 3/4 and if that still feels too sharrp after fresh sharpening, then 13/16 or 7/8 would be next.

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I generally like my skates duller than normal and weigh about 205lbs. I find after a standard sharpening, it takes awhile before they feel really good. I am now needing a sharpening to take out some nicks but enjoy the dullness. I also play in SD and soon to be in Vegas. What is the sharpening duller than 5/8th but not super dull?

I'm 210 and am the same way. I went from 3/8 in my last few years of competitive hockey, to 1/2 by the time I started adult beer league, to 3/4 after a knee injury this year.

I've noticed that all of the ice where I live has been super soft this year, so there's no way I can rock anything sharper than 3/4.

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