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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick tap to A&R Sports...

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I buy a lot ear slings and other small accessories and always go with A&R because they always have the best prices and the quality is pretty good.

But last week I installed a set black ear slings on one of my helmets and set it down on my table like a normal helmet would sit. I've done it hundreds of times with helmets and never had a problem. The next morning I grabbed the helmet and noticed the one ear sling was broke in two places. It wasn't under any extreme weight and I figured ear loops are soft and strong enough to support a little pressure. So I sent an email off to Russ at A&R and I was pleasantly surprised.

He sent me back an email within 5 mins expressing his disappointment in the sling and that he would send out a replacement free of charge the same day. Well the package arrived and was I ever surprised.

He sent me 2 sets of replacement slings along with the A&R Re-Edger free of any charge. I didn't expect this kind of response at all just over a $6 set of ear slings.

So thanks again Russ Grodin and the staff at A&R, you've won me over as a customer for life.

The broken sling. (Both places)


The package:


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And look at the goodwill they got here for that small price. Nice guys don't always finish last; there are good reasons to treat your customers well. It's especially nice when they do it because it's just who they are.

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