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Replacing Easton S19 gloves: EQ50 or StealthRS?

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Time to replace my 14" S19 gloves and haven't seen Stealth RS or EQ50 elite gloves in the shops (very limited on new ranges here in Australia, our season starts in a couple of months)

Hoping for views from people who have worn S19 gloves.

How does the finger length compare from S19 to StealthRS or EQ50? S19 fits perfectly, did they change it/is it different between series? (I recall when Easton went from original Easton Air's to a new cut they changed it and it didn't fit nicely)

What is the difference in wrist movement from the cuff on each one? is the S19 cuff most like the RS or the EQ? (from the pics it looks like one is more the 'diagonal' style of cut, versus the 'square' style on the EQ50s.

Any other notable pros/cons to them that you wouldn't pick up from the basic product descriptions they give on the websites.

Thanks for any help/guidance you can give.

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I don't know much about the RS, since they are a Spring release and shouldn't be in most stores yet. However, if you ask Junkyard Athletic, he has had a pair made for him.

The EQ50 will be a bit of a looser fitting glove than the S19, a bit like a traditionally fitting 4 Roll leaning towards the tighter tapered fit in the fingers. The EQ50 does not have as a restrictive cuff as the S19, nor does it have the thinner finger thicknesses. Depending on which version of the S19 you have, I would say that the EQ50 palms are more pliable if that's a good way to put it.

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Are you set on Easton gloves bar none? Because I found through experience that retail Easton gloves are a waste of money.

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