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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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there goes the outdoor rink in Canada

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The problem here in New Jersey is sustained coldness. We'll have 5 days of sub 40 temperatures then it will shoot up to 60 for 2 days, then go back down. We haven't skated on the pond since 2010. Bleh

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Most outdoor rinks here are ready, we do have a lot of them in MTL, I have like 10 in a 3km radius around me. Only thing left now is to pray for less snow, we have a crazy winter here this year. Yes folks, that is the gf's car after 3-4 hours of snow storm yesterday.


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Snow covering 65% of the lower 48 US states according to CNN today and more is on the way. This is an interesting article as well.

2012 is the hottest year in recorded US history. There has been unprecedented activity this year, be it the droughts that plague the Midwest and Great Plains (so much that the Mississipi river is low enough some barges can't go where they always have and crops simply can't grow, causing drastic rises in food prices), Superstorm Sandy or tornadoes in the middle of winter. I'm sorry, but one or two snow storms in Winter doesn't wipe out all the trending data. The article you reference is full of misleading data (search for where that first graph came from and let me know what you find) and was written by someone who continuously pushes an agenda instead of being an objective journalist.

When I was younger (mid 90's) it was guaranteed that I could skate on lakes in Southeastern Michigan on Christmas Day (it was a tradition for my family). The whole lake would be frozen by then. Now we're lucky if there's the slightest bit of ice (albeit not safe) and I can't remember the last Christmas we skated. It still gets cold in winter, but the consistent two/three month deep freeze I remember has been replaced with warm fronts that thaw whatever snow and ice we have only to re-freeze a few days or a week later.

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2012 is the hottest year in recorded US history.

According to NOAA, it's the fifth warmest global temperature in the last 125 years on land, 8th if you include ocean temperatures. That's only through November, they have not published the final report for the year. If you would like to dispute the data from NOAA, here is the article:


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According to NOAA, it's the fifth warmest global temperature in the last 125 years on land, 8th if you include ocean temperatures. That's only through November, they have not published the final report for the year. If you would like to dispute the data from NOAA, here is the article:


I stated US history, not global. :-) You are right, 2012 numbers haven't been published yet (makes sense considering it is still 2012) but it would take a pretty bitter December to change the outcome. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/post/warmest-year-on-record-in-us-almost-assured/2012/12/06/301aff3c-3fdd-11e2-bca3-aadc9b7e29c5_blog.html

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I stated US history, not global.

Too small of an area or too short of a time period are not good indicators of global trends and measuring only one country really isn't relevant when discussing a global issue.

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