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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R2 Blade Pattern Chart

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Hi guys,

I'm looking for a blade pattern chart for the R2 blades so that I can see what the curves look like. The TPS website has them but only descriptions and not pictures. I'm not expierienced enough to know what the descriptions would look like, but I do know what I am looking for.

Or maybe you can just tell me witch would be better suited for me. I play center so I need an all purpose blade. I obviously use wristers quite a bit but I also like to rip a slapper now and again. I'm not sure if that will be of any help, but thanks for trying :D

If anyone has a R2 pattern chart that would be awesome. Thanks for the help.

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You can't really say what kind of curve will work good based on your position, or even how you play. First off, what curve are you using now, and what do you like/dislike about it?

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Also, I find it easier to adjust to a new curve then a different lie. So knowing what the lie of the blade you currently use is might help also.

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Awesome thank you very much. To answer your guys questions the curve I use now is huge and I'd like it to be smaller, and I use a pretty long stick which I use out from my body so a larger lie would be better than a small one.

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From what you describe you want a low lie, not a "larger" one. Might want to consider the Tkachuk.

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