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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Ultra G70, RBK10K Cup

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Graf Ultra G70s, size 8.5W.


Used maybe 15 times in non-contact beer league games. Just couldn't get used to them. Put on my old RBK 8Ks and they felt like slippers in comparison. Going to go back to those (or maybe get a new pair of 11Ks).

They were on clearance at HockeyMoney for $298.98 when I bought them (and still are: http://www.hockeymon...70ultra-sr.html). Still have the original box, too!

I'll even throw in the SIDAS insoles I had bought before I tried Superfeet Yellow.

Asking $250 OBO + Shipping

RBK10K Cup/Garter Combo


I know what you're thinking: "ew! Why would I buy a used jock??" Well, friends.... simply because it was only used once, and it was on top of compression shorts. I absolutely hated the fit and haven't used it since.

I just thought maybe somebody would be interested in trying one of these out for cheap. If you're really a hardcore germaphobe, I'm sure you could just spray it with some disinfectant.

I'm asking for $50 OBO + shipping.

RBK V10 Helmet - White - Sz L


Used for one season. The only reason I'm getting rid of it is because I bought a navy one. Comes with chrome cage, and stock chin cup. Missing chin cup strap, though.

Asking $60 OBO + shipping

Bauer 13" 4-Roll Elite Gloves


Navy/White. Used 3 games, didn't like how loose they were. Very little palm wear (I use Tacki-Mac Grips).

I'm asking for $30 OBO + shipping.

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