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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Similar skates to the Bauer Supreme line

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I was at a drop in game and my skates were stolen in the locker room.

They were Supreme one80s and I'm looking to get into some Grafs.

Between the Ultra G3 or Ultra G5, which one will have a similar fit to the supremes.

Thanks Guys

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I'd say the Ultra G5 would be closer of the two based on the wider heel and straight heel backstay. I can't remember how the volume or instep will compare to the one80 though. The G7 offers a deeper instep which might be more comparable to the One80. Best to try them on and see what fits your foot.

Remember that a Graf will not skate like a Bauer Supreme. The pitch of the holder on the LS2 is fairly neutral. Graf is aggressively forward.

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This might be helpful. http://www.grafcanada.com/hockey_skates/. On the Fit Chart on the top right of the screen click the fit you are looking for and it will provide you with the boot that is comparable.

Agree with both points made by Davetronz.

1) Trying skates on in a pro shop is always the best way to go.

2) Graf boot and holder have an aggressive pitch.

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