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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Rivets

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I have a pair of white graf g5's nice skates but I'd never skated on cobra's before, used them for 1 season and hated them. Also the steel on them broke twice and as I live in a small town there are no stores with this kinda steel. Only one place does a bit of skate work and they only have steel for tuuk blades. So I decieded to get some tuuk holders/blades put on my skates. The guy that does them owns like a hunting supplies store, I was sceptical but no one else around here does skates and they were gonna need some holes drilled. So I took them there he seemed like he knew what he was doing. I got them back and sure enough they looked right everything lined up right. The only thing I didn't like was he put step steel in them but it was fine. 3 months later its playoff time i'm skating around the ice and I fall down, look around and the steel from one of my blades is on the ice. I go to the dressing room, I look at my skate 3 of 4 rivets are almost all the way out, i shake the skate and you can here the screw or bolt holding the steel in place rattling around, either it cracked off or wasn't tightened. Since I had graf skates there's no hole in the boot to stick a wrench in so now i have to get all the rivets taken out and then get it repaired. I'm not taking it back to the same guy he clearly doesn't know what he's doing. So I was wondering how are the rivits put in? Is it a machine like a press? I would like to know how to do it, since there's no one around here that does work. I wouldn't mind trying to do my own work. I know some of my friends wanna get stuff done too but there's no where to go.

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This is why I strongly recommend against installing a different holder on grafs, but.. It's not end of the world. First, STEP is better than stock bauer steel so you shouldn't be worried. Your guy should have drilled access hole to get at the nut. Nuts do loosen, that's normal. You can drill access hole yourself, simply get a wood boring hole bit from the hardware store and drill it yourself. It sounds like the nut is loose so after you drill the holes, retighten, but don't overtighten. Then have new rivets put in, you can't really do this yourself. Take them back to your guy, I'm sure he'll redo them for you. Rivets do not hold well in grafs, so get use to having this redone often.

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Just drill a hole the size of a nickel (I use a 5/8" auger bit) right in between the back 2 rivets in the heel. Use a 8mm socket wrench to tighten the bolt.

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... So I was wondering how are the rivits put in? Is it a machine like a press? I would like to know how to do it, since there's no one around here that does work. I wouldn't mind trying to do my own work. I know some of my friends wanna get stuff done too but there's no where to go.

Yes, it is a press, with sets of dies designed special for the process, like this one. There is no way to do them yourself, have to go to someone with the machine.

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