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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i'm in the market for getting a webcam, but don't have much experience with any except for using a friends the odd time. thing is, the one he has is around $150cdn, and i think that's pretty steep. i'm just lookin for some opinions here on best cams for your buck. local radioshack has some cheap ones for 29.99 & 39.99, but the guy working there said it'd be best to get a mid range logitech. any suggestions?

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That's what I have. A Logitech not even sure on the model. It's alright, I got it mostly for MSN as I have a few friends who are far away and its kind've cool to see'em every once in a while. It's also handy for pics, although the picture quality isn't the greatest, it does the job. It looks like you just want something to play with so a low-mid end Logitech should do the job.

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I have a Logitech and it's a piece of work. Dont go for a Logitech from my experiances. Mine doesnt say a model on it but don' get one that has a round camera on top and a triangular stand.

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Logitech makes great products, pay no attention to him. My mouse, webcam, keyboard are all from logitech and i've had my keyboard for 2 years. Best mouse i've ever used and never had any problems with my cam. I have a quickcam messenger and its nice. Go logitech no doubt.

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