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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for new roller skates (under $200)

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I'm looking into some inline skates under $200. The most important factors are stiffness, and i need indoor wheels. The two I've looked into are the Bauer XR3, and Mission A5, i'm leaning toward the Bauer because the mission are a little too flashy for me, but if it comes down to it performance would be more important than looks. I'm wondering if someone has used either of these and can give me a little review, or if someone could suggest another brand/model in my price range. Thanks

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XR3's are really stiff and need a lot of work to break in. The Mission T6 is a solid skate but the tongue is a little thin, if you crank your laces down really tight you will need to do something about it otherwise lace bite will happen.

What size are you and how much of a hurry are you in to get the skates? For this money you could hunt ebay / forums and find something a couple of models higher (like a T8) for this price.

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Thanks for your help vet, i'm pretty short on time (probably will order tonight for my first game this season saturday), I think i'm going to go with the xr3 as you said they're stiff which is huge for me.

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Take a look at the CA3's from Alkali. If you can go a bit over $229, I would check out the CA5 skate. Both of these skates are amazing and fit great. Not to flashy and built on a roller specific platform.

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