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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Simmonds G3 shaft

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Im looking at a Total one Simmonds G3 Shaft on ebay. Few questions. First, it is 46 inches, after I put in the blade, how tall would it be. Second will a regular tapered blade fit in the shaft.

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1) Overall height will depend on which blade you put in it. 2) It's a cut OPS so you will have to ask the person selling it which blades it takes because they're the one that converted it to a shaft.

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This is what he says, "The stick was cut from a broken one piece but you can fit a tapered blade in there perfect. You might need to do a little trimming but otherwise a blade will go in there." Is it hard to trim and what would I have to trim.

Also on average what would a blade but the stick at height wise

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It seems like you'll have to put in some work to make the blade fit.

I guess if you wanted to you could probably fit a standard blade in...you would have to cut a lot of shaft for the blade to fit in or flip it (put blade on the handle end of the stick). Either way it would mess up the flex profile.

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Hey crispy92 that is my auction lol yes it does fit tapered blades in there you might have to do trimming a little but nothing major. A blade will probuly put it to 50 something inches and a extension will be good for it!

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