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APX vs. NXG T1 C Width For narrow low arch feet

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I'm about 6'1'' 175 lbs

Narrowish and low arch feet - Forefoot does not flare out my sunken low arch is actually slightly wider than forefoot

Size 8.5 - i'll probably end up backing out the heel on my left skate since my left foot is slightly bigger

Super skinny ankles / ankle joint area

I play twice a week max

I tried on the NXG C width today, lhs guy said usually women try c's on :facepalm: I have yet to try on the apx. Previous skates were size 9D X60's which fit ok but not great.

Any pointers or suggestions before I spend $800.00

Thanks guys.

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Only pointer would be to go with what fits best.

With that said, the supreme series has been built on an oversized last since the inception of the one90/one95 series. i.e.) C width One95, TotalOne, and NXG will be roughly equal to a Vapor D. I've tried a 7D X60 and a 7C One95 this year and found them to be roughly the same width wise (and too wide for my toothpick feet), while the vapor has less depth. If that C width NXG is too wide for you customs are more or less your only option.

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I tried on apxs, t1 nxg, and nxg .9, all skates 8.5D. I found the .9 fit the best.

The apxs fit nicely but I didn't like the upper ankle volume since I suffer from chicken leg itis.

Also, the arch was a bit high for my feet.

The t1 nxg arch, to me, was more prominent than the .9.

The ankle padding in the .9 was more comfortable on my ankle bones as well.

So if anyone out there has skinny ankles and flatish feet give the .9s try.

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The .9 are deeper than the APX and you'd be wearing the equivalent of a Vapor E in that skate as a C width .9 doesn't exist. Again, the lineup you tried on consists of one true D width skate and two "E" width skates so the apples to apples comparison is out the window.

The .9 might be comfortable in the store, but I promise it will be a sloppy fit once you get on the ice/the ankle padding sets with break in.

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Hmm, I guess my main feeling at the time was the apx had more high ankle wobble room if that even makes sense. The guy at the store said I'm not a C width in the supreme line(different store than when i tried on the C). My issue was the skinny leg/volume and arch pain. Its odd you say that because I thought the apx felt like it had more high ankle room than the supreme.

I tried both the supreme and vapor line on to see what felt best and the NXG .9 felt the best. I just hope it doesn't get sloppy like you say.

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"Narrowish" feet (your description) doesn't say E width to me.

When in doubt, always go tighter. As Cavs said, it will fit differently once broken in.

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Im interested to hear how this works out for Nazhockey. I have feet just under a D on the Brannock device. but very low arch and low volume. I tried on a 6.5D NXG and it wasnt bad but dont have the option to Try a C width in that skate. If the regular Supreme runs nearer to a E and I measure JUST under a D, I think a C would be pretty spot on...

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Low volume, close to a true D width sounds more like an APX fit to me.

I know, right! but the fit "hits" in odd places and just dont work for me.

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Have you baked them? All of the hot spots went away in my APX's once I molded them as the alive material is pretty pliable. Best example I can give is in my case where AAA heels went from almost pinching my Achilles to a perfect lock once I kicked back into the heated boot.

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Well I always just got 9.5's because that's what people have fit me at and that's what sizing charts say for a size 11 shoe. Skates always felt wide and sloppy to me.

So I went to a different store and had some guys fit me that actually knew what they were doing. Turns out I don't actually have that narrow of a foot. I tried on 9.5's , 9's, then finally 8.5's in APX, T1 NXG, One .9's.

APX vs T1 vs One .9:

I found the APX to be a bit to sloppy in the high ankle area. Or better put, I liked the snug fit of the supreme line. Also, the APX and T1 NXG had higher arches which were uncomfortable for me.

My advice is to try multiple pair on and get a skate that fits snug to your foot as possible. Meaning, have your toes touch the end caps. You can always back out the heel for a little extra room.

How are my One .9's working out?

I've only skated on them once but with the 8.5 I don't have to tie them that tight. In skates past i would dog ear the top two eyelets because of my skinny ankles. I still am going to get fitted for customs becuase I like to spend all my money on hockey equiptment. :facepalm:

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