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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chris Gent

Replacement elbow pads question

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I currently have a nice pair of customized Bauer One95 elbow pads (size large). They were a retail pad to which I had extra strap material / velcro added to give me a customized fit. That said, they are still just a bit too small for me (I am 6'4" / 255) and I would like to find something at fits similar to the Bauers but in a larger size. I have tried on some mid-range (7K?) Reeboks, but did not like them quite as much as I like my 11K shins. Does anyone know if there is a comparable pad to the One95 made by Bauer in extra large?

If not, is there a comparable pad made by another company in extra large that fits close to the One95s (other than being a bit narrow and pretty short, I like their mobility / "bendability")? I have fairly big biceps and loooooong arms, so finding elbows that don't leave 10" of my arm exposed is pretty hard since I don't wear shoulder pads most of the time in my beer league games...even with 15" Bauer 4-rolls, there is quite a lot of my wrist showing. While I don't mind long elbow pads, I hate wrist guards almost as much as I hate the nasty bruises I have on my bottom hand from the slashes I took from a couple of bender defensemen last week in front of the net and would very much like to avoid that in the future! Thanks in advance for any advice I can get.

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I have the Warrior Koncept. Offers a lot of protection and they do run larger than other elbow pads I've tried. They move really nicely and don't slide down.

Only downside is they are a little pricey, so if you don't want to spend that much try the Bully elbow pads.

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Yeah, I picked up some Warrior projekt a couple months ago and they do run bigger. I went to small after wearing mediums in a different brand. They offer plenty of ways to adjust the straps to make them comfortable. I'm a fan.

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Thanks for all the advice. I'll have to find some of these. I guess since they are hidden under my gear and the Projekts are mostly white, I can overcome my normal aversion to the hideous Warrior pad / stick / etc appearance! :smile:

The Projekts are a bit hard to find in large, but I see lots of Franchises available. Anyone know how those compare?

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So, since I'm looking for a bigger pad, the Franchises might be the right call anyway? I'll see if I can find some of those. I am looking to get these bought before I spend the cash from having eBayed a pair of pro-stock skates I got from the Stars store this week...made $50 off the sale after I decided I couldn't wear the skates (bummer cause I need some new wheels too!). Thanks again guys!

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